Social Media Page

Social Media Page – Key terms

The main point for a social media page affiliated with a brand is to promote the product and creators related to the subject.

A key part of this is the marketing campaign (promotion), in which the “reach” of the product grows as more people interact/discover the band through this new found awareness, tapping into the target audience, or expanding it via this social media platform

Screen Castify (Feedback)

Here is the screen-castify

Summary Points:

  • More replies needed
  • Good hype/teasing
  • Interaction with fans
  • Politics engages personal identity = better relationship with fans
  • Could do a behind-the-scenes post
  • Missing synergy (teaming with band/product) = cross-media convergence.
  • More “animation” (i.e gif)
  • Need to promote via other platforms (i.e TV/Radio)
  • Tour promotion (relate to fans, engage with them)
  • Design of posts/overall page could do with some change (i.e theme/darker tone of posts)


SMP 1 + Marking Criteria

We have compared our SMP with teacher feedback and filled in our self-assessment in regards to what elements should be in an SMP.

For example, we have included elements of a “Call to Action”, where in we publicized our brand-related face masks, with a link to purchase them. As well as this, we posted “teaser” content: snippets of the music video (i.e sc of segments, the intro sequence) .

Click [here] For Link

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