Sound Production and Editing

Here are some photos I have taken to create some non diegetic foley sounds for my thriller film to make my scene better quality.

The sounds include:

  • Bag movement
  • Syringe flicking
  • Door slam
  • Water dripping
  • Paper rustling
  • Footsteps

After recording our foley sounds we uploaded them onto Premiere Pro so that we could match them up to our video. We then changed the volume and pace on them to get them how we wanted them to be. The sounds gives an extra element of anxiety onto our film and looked great.

I used various tools when making my thriller such as volume and speed,voice recorder and Premiere Pro.

We changed the volume and sound of some of our recordings because they came out quiet, we also had to record them three times because the first recordings picked up voices in the background, the second recordings were bad quality, which then meant we knew how to get the sounds we wanted right in the third recording session.

We were offered the chance to edit on audacity, but we thought it worked better if we edited them on Premiere Pro, so we did that. I personally think the sounds came out how we wanted them to and worked well when applied to our thriller.

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