
Narrative Analysis


Structure of Acts

A large majority of films follow a chronological narrative. These films follow the five act structure which includes:

The Exposition – This is the information that is presented right away to the audience about the world and characters that they need to know in order to understand the plot and upcoming events.

The Disruption – This is an event that takes place that causes a problem that the protagonist must solve.

The Climax – This is where the protagonist will confront either the antagonist or the force that is obstructing them from achieving their ultimate goal.

The Resolution or epiphany – The protagonist reaches their ultimate goal and learns a significant truth about themselves or the world they live in.

The Denouement – The protagonist returns to their home, but with a new outlook and a new ‘norm’.

An example of this five act structure, included in the narrative mountain, is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

                       Non Linear Narrative

             Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order. – Jean Luc Godard

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is an example of non linear narrative. The film is structured as a memory narrative, which means a lot of the story is told through the use of flashbacks.  

Quentin Tarantino utilizes non-linear narrative in Pulp Fiction primarily as a tool to introduce the characters multiple times, through different character’s perspectives, in all three timelines.


In summary , there are various different reasons that using non linear narratives are effective. Some films use non linear narratives in order to tell a wider version of the story at hand. Some use it to withhold information from the audience.


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