September 17

Print Media that Communicates Meaning


Analysis of a poster advertisement:

This is my analysis of a poster to pick apart how the different aspects of Mise-en-scene come together to create an image that is meant to attract a target audience. This poster highlights how different parts of Mise-En-Scene are needed to convey a particular mood or theme to an audience and this can be seen from where I have deconstructed the poster to look at how effective the design features are., for example, This poster contains dark imagery which conveys a sad type of music. The singer is positioned so that his face can be seen as thoughtful and reflective and his beard suggest that he is relaxed and calm.
Analysing this poster will help me with my music magazine because:

  • I will be able to understand and apply my knowledge of how various font types and sizes will have an impact on my target audience
  • I will understand how colour can be used to portray a particular mood or feeling I will be able to understand how different camera angles will affect my magazine
  • I will know that in order to make sure my magazine keeps the reader interested I must make sure that the writing on it isn’t too excessive.

Posted 17th September 2019 by alicemillis in category component 1, Music Magazine

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