October 22

My Audience Profile


Above is an audience profile I have put together to show the psyhcographics of an example member of my target audience who are people who like to listen to 1950’s Rock and Roll music.

I also had to find the demographics for my genre by researching singers and artists that belonged to my genre on https://today.yougov.com/

The singer I have decided to mention here to show demographics is Elvis Presley because he is extremely well-known and a good representation of Rock and Roll.

Elvis Presley is the 2nd most popular classic rock and roll/rock music artist and the most famous. Elvis Presley is described by fans as: A great performer, Talented, Entertaining, One of a kind and Legendary.

From these statistics I can see that Elvis Presley’s music has been more popular with women and with Baby Boomers than other generations. This information will help me to decide how to lay out my magazine as I will be able to look at other posters that are aimed at the same generation as mine to see the types of information and entertainment that they include, for example quizzes, advertisements and competitions. I will be able to keep in mind the Uses of Gratification to keep my audience interested. When creating my magazine this will help me encode my ideas, which will help my target audience to decode them and have a preferred reading of the text.


Posted 22nd October 2019 by alicemillis in category component 1, Music Magazine

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