Shoot Evaluation – Narrative

Katie’s Shoot

After having carefully planned our narrative, it was time to film. I think that we were successful when it came to filming our narrative and we really like some of the footage we came out with. It became increasing helpful using the planning documents like the shot list, as we were able to film fairly quickly, although it did become obvious we had not completely thought about how we would shoot some of our ideas.

We went to The Guet, a forest area, to film, and dressed our actress in a white dress and no shoes. We did this to evoke thoughts of her innocence and purity. It worked with the simplistic theme we were going for, because the whole idea of the song is the love between these two people.


Here you can see Georgia filming Katie.


This is one of our characters, Katie, dressed in white, with natural hair and make up.









Below you can see some of the footage we were really pleased with;



As the song has a lot of energy, especially in the chorus, we really wanted to get some shots with movement to bring this energy to our video. Therefore shots like when the camera follows Katie sitting up and the whip pans when she runs are really effective in our video. I also loved the low angle focus pull of Katie running past the camera.

Below is some of the footage we were not so pleased with;


Unfortunately, there was some footage that we did not like very much, such as the two above. On the left, we really liked this shot, however, the tilt of the camera keeps jolting throughout the shot. On the right, we just felt the composition was unappealing. These errors were noted after looking over the footage, and we then thought more carefully about these things when it came to filming the rest of our video.

