Masthead Design

One of the main conventions of my magazine cover, besides my main cover star, is the masthead. This is one of the most important features on the front cover of a magazine as is it is the first thing that the reader will see when they look at the magazine, if the masthead is plain and simple, i will not be attracting very many customers and certainly the right psychographic.  Mastheads are significant because they help to convey the style and express to the audience the genre of the magazine.

Using indesign and dafont I created 8 fonts which I felt matched my indie pop vibe and would be suitable to use on the front cover of my magazine. Out of all 8 I decided this font here was my favourite, because it is bold yet sophisticated. Personally, I really like the graphics and the way there is a slice through each letter helps it to stand out, yet it is not too dramatic and won’t take away too much attention from my main cover star. I feel like it will grab the attention of my demogrpahic and implies the conventions of the type of magazine I am advertising.

Focusing forward, this task will help me in order to make a successful music magazine because it has allowed me to plan how I want my front cover to look. It has made me explore other options and work with indesign to chose the exact colour, width, length and boldness I find suitable.

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