What is a Contents Page?

Having a contents page is essential to any magazine because it is an insight about the kind of content that is included inside. It is also an index to direct the reader on the page numbers of some of the content that is advertised through the coverlines on the front of the magazine. To be able to create a contents page that will adhere to my target audience I researched some contents pages and looked for any designs that stood out to me. I found a few favourites which I attached on the slide above, but an absolute personal favourite of mine is the third one along the bottom. I like this one in particular because I think the way the page numbers and headlines are displayed is very simplistic and sophisticated. However, I also absolutely love the contents page directly above it because the I think the combination of the fonts and the colour palette is unique and I like how it is designed to show the pictures down the right side of the page.

5 catchy headlines:

  • Exclusive insight into Eli B’s life
  • Essential guide into making the perfect indie jewellery
  • Shocking secrets revealed by Lana Del Rey
  • Top ten tips from fashion stylers when it comes to thrifting your indie clothes
  • Are Arctic Monkeys making a comeback by realising a song from their new album?

Focusing forward, this task has benefitted me because I now know the kind of design I am going to be using for my own contents page. Completing this task and thinking about the types of headlines that will stand out to my demographic has also reminded me of the importance of AIDA (Attraction, Interest, Desire and Action). In particular, I will need to create a contents page that will attract my target audience but also include headlines that will interest them.


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