Social Media Page Terminology

Before we go on to make a social media of our own, for our star it is important that we understand all of the different, technical conventions on a social media platform. I learnt about all of these by anaylsing Lady Gaga’s instagram page. I chose to look at hers in particular because she is a popular star from the electric genre that we are using. From studying her content I noticed that she has a big marketing campaign and also became aware that she has a specific target audience that she markets. Lada Gaga promotes products such as champagne and perfume, which I feel is targeted towards mature females because those are the types of consumers that would be most interested in these products.

Focusing forward, creating this slide has helped me to come up with ideas for my own social media page. For example, similarly to Lady Gaga’s page where she has highlights specifically for BLM, this has inspired me to consider creating a story highlight advocating for issues on our star’s social media page because I aim for our star to be woke.


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