Performance Rough Cut Evaluation

For us as a group to improve we need to present our products to others so that we may improve or edit upon what we have. So to help us with our performance for our music video we presented our rough cut to students, all of which fall within our target audience, and asked them to watch our music video and then point out what they liked about the rough cut, then to add any criticism that they had, or if there was anything we could improve upon, such as shot variety or mise-en-scene.

To hear the feedback we received listen to the click below.

We placed our rough cut onto YouTube so to link it to our blogs and also for others to watch. In the comments section of our rough cut we receive feedback from a previous student to the school who now studies media at university and also from our teacher.

These comments, along with the feedback by students will allow us to edit our performance ready for our final Draft.

Too see the Feedback Left by Steve Reed, A Previous Student, and Jess Cobb, Our Teacher, Click the images below.

steve read Mrs Cobb

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