Shoot Evaluation – Narrative

The shoot we performed was not very successful compared to the shoot we did for our performance. The day before we planned to film the narrative, the female actor which we were going to use pulled out. This meant that we needed to find an actress quickly. The actress we found was able to help however she was an IB student and therefore would not be able to join the first half of shooting, however she was still able to help. We told her all information that she needed ready for the shoot.

photo 1





On the day of filming we proceeded to our location and filmed all the sections with our male actor, we then waited for our actress to arrive, however she was late as traffic was heavy. Once she arrived we proceeded to film all the narrative, we followed our storyboard and filmed efficiently. Time got the better of us however and the light soon started to fade leaving us to barely finish what we had planned to film.

photo 2





Upon reviewing our footage we had collected we were unhappy with shot which we had gathered and also felt we were missing story which we could have filmed. This left some of our narrative unusable. It was because of these problems that we decided to perform a re-shoot of the narrative.

From our experience filming our narrative we have agreed upon some targets for future shoots:

  1. Remember to do multiple shots of each angle, to reduce our chances of needing to do a re-shoot
  2. Organise paperwork, such as our production meeting agendas more effectively, so that they are easier to make sense of chronologically, to increase our efficiency on location
  3. Don’t rush the shoot, or things will be forgotten, such as those additional angles. This will assist us in making less mistakes on shoot


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