September 30

So… How can an image communicate meaning?

Camera framing can affect mise-en-scene in a variety of different ways. For example, angles. Angles such as low angles can covey a sense of  power and high class authority to an audience whereas a high angle creates a sense of weakness and lower class authority.

CLAMPS which stands for costume, lighting, actors, makeup, props and setting plays a very important part when attempting to communicate meaning(creating a narrative).

  • Costume – How the actors are dressed and what accessories they have as this creates the scene 
  • Lighting – This is useful when coming to setting the mood. Shadows can be used to create a dramatic and scary scene whereas a lot of lighting will create a more pleasant environment to the audience
  • Actors – Age and gender will affect the scene as the audience will have first impressions on the actors 
  • Makeup – This affects how the actors look at first impression for example for a dramatic scary scene, there will be fake blood etc on the actors’ face
  • Props – Props are essential in any scene as it gives the scene meaning and a story as the audience can be drawn towards these props. For example a man in a scene will convey a different message to an audience compared to a man holding a gun
  • Setting – The setting can also create the scene as it gives it an environment for the scene to happen in 

There are also a number of different rules that you can follow using your camera to improve your piece of work. For example:

  • The rule of thirds – balancing composition evenly across three sections of the frame.
  • Lead room – the space in front where the actors are looking or moving.
  • Depth of field – considering the background, middle ground and fore ground of the image.

This will help me when creating my magazine cover as I will think more deeply and closer into CLAMPS and how this can create a narrative to convey to the audience.

Posted 30th September 2019 by davegaspar in category Creative Critical Reflection 1

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