My image that uses MES to make meaning

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For this post we were allocated in groups with a music genre. Ours being punk rock. We researched the genre and investigated Mise En Scene to explore the different facial expressions, make up, costumes, props, hair, lighting ect. By researching the genre of music it allowed us to understand the characteristics of punk rock and how they are represented to the audience. My researched demonstrates that punk rock connotes rebellious behavior, gothic style and loud personalities.

This post taught me that in music genres it is important to consider what each thing represents and connote and that every detail is important in order to portray the imagine of the genre to the specific audience.

We asked the audience to tell us the connotations of our punk model. They said that the connotations were: intimidating, scary and rebellious. This shows that our costume, make up and props were successful as they signified the genre of punk well as the audience were able to identify the genre easily and described the model using the connotations that fit with punk rock.


As a result of the audience’s feedback I knew that I was on the right lines with representing the genre of punk in my poster.

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