My Media Diet


In the 21st century media is a huge part of people’s lives. For entertainment, social, information, or personal identity reasons. Being a part of this myself, I am both a consumer and producer of media. I made this collage to show what media I use and for the reasons I use it in my day to day life.  Creating my media diet has taught me the uses and gratifications in creating a popular and successful media post. For example I use netflix as a form of entertainment, social interaction, personal identity and information. this shows how Netflix is a successful media text because it ticks all of these gratifications. This piece of work has helped me to understand what makes a good and successful media text. For example, for my music magazine I know now that if it offers entertainment, information, social interaction and reinforces personal identity to my audience. I will have a wider range of audience as it is created to have opportunities for everyone and therefore its popularity will increase.




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