DSP- draft 1

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3 things I like about my double page spread draft;

  • I like the use of the green background which matches with the top as it fits with my genre of pop
  • I like the photo of my model that I chose as I think the simplistic yet elegant look represents what my target audience will be attracted to well.
  • I like how the page is not too chaotic and just has the information needed without being too crowded and hard to read.

5 things that I need to do to improve my double page spread;

  • I need to make the masthead more attractive and interesting to my audience.
  • I need to spread out the text more to make it less chaotic and easier to read.
  • I need to add a quote from my cover star on the left page so that my audience can feel closer and more connected to the star.
  • I also need to add a bit more color to the right page in order to represents my genre of pop to my target audience.
  • In order for my double page spread to reach my target audience I have to construct my article to fit to their interests and what they will be looking for, for entertainment.

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