Music Video – Conventions

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Doing this task and watching a number of different music videos helped me to understand how narratives are conveyed and the convections of music videos. In the process of deconstructing these videos I gained understanding of the importance of convections such as Mes En Scene. This is a very important convection as it determines which audience the video will appeal to. The use of  costume, make – up and settings will determine how the Star imagine is represented for your specific genre and target audience. After decoding these various music videos I learnt that narratives can be conveyed whilst performance is also shown in the video.

Going forward I have learnt the various convections to be contained in a music video in order to make it successful. I will make sure that the Mes En Scene reflects the genre well and that the Star Image in represented in a way to fit the vibe of the song and will entice my target audience. I have learnt that good lip syncing is very important for it too look professional and clean. I have also found that I don’t like music videos in the style of disjunctive as I found that when the narrative relates to the lyrics in some way the story is a lot easier to follow and is also more memorable to the audience.

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