Previous Student’s Work

I decided to decode the work of previous students who did their music video to ‘Message Man’ by 21 Pilots. I deconstructed the music video’s technical production skills; such as camera movement, variety of shot distances and composition. I also looked into the Music Video Convections; such as, Mes En Scene, lip syncing and varied shot transitions.

The narrative in this music video illustrated a tense chase where a boy was running through abandoned buildings and driving around trying to find him. While this video was mainly narrative there was still part performance where the boy who was running away was lip-syncing in dark and spooky locations to reflect how he is also hiding from the pair of boys trying to catch him. I found this music video was a high standard as it was visually pleasing and engaging, the editing made sense of the narrative as they had a fast pace of edit and many different quick transitions such as a whip pan. This fits perfectly with the narrative as the combination of a tense pursuit along side the fast pace of edit makes the video incising and exciting for the audience to watch.

While analyzing the success criteria of a music video I now understand the importance of the convections and using a mixed variety of all of them in order for my work to gain popularity. Using a variety of shot distances, angles, locations, transitions etc. is essential to keep your video engaging and enjoyable to watch. Which will determine the success of your work.

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