Digipack mock up

In preparation for starting the design of our digipak we drew a ‘mock up’ plan for our work. We annotated the designs with the conventional technical elements eg. song title, barcode etc and labeled the designs with how the media language of print will help encode the star image and meta narrative of the performer. Around our drawing we have inserted what the colour palette will look like in each part of the digipak design. We decoded how the colour palette will appeal to our genre and how it will represent our preferred star image.

Focusing forward, this mock up will give us a base to work from and improve as we go along. Decoding all the conventions will remind us the importance of using a repertoire of elements that represent our genre and star image well to create our music video as ‘the same but different’. This will help improve the success rate of our music video as it will appeal to our target audience.

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