Media Ecology

What is it?

Media Ecology is the study of media, technology and communication to show the ways it affects our human environment. It focuses on how media is made and what is needed for it come together and be successful. In order for a media text to come together it has many different components that rely on each other and interlink to create the final product e.g audience, money, social media and creators. If one of these elements collapses or is not involved in that media text then the media environment will collapse and not be successful.

Creating a mind map focused on the audience of a media text has enabled me to understand how each element is interlinked to another as well as relying on each other. The audience is linked to many aspects which all rely on it in order to be stable; social media needs an audience so the media text is found, money is needed from the audience to employ the people involved, technology for the audience to access and consume. Now understanding Media Ecology it will enable me to make sure I think about all the aspects of how a piece of media comes together and how it impacts us on how we understand the world. With all the information I have focused on I will be sure to make my music magazine involves all elements of the media ecology to be able to build an audience to consume the media, enable the media to be distributed and then further to be sold in shops.

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