A Textual Analysis of a Tour Poster

Mise En Scene

Having analysed the tour poster for Harry Styles has allowed me to focus on media language and the key points of Mise En Scene; Costume, Lighting, Actions and Proxemics, Makeup and Hair, Props and Setting. The idea of Mise En Scene is to show that all the parts of a media text are there for a reason and have a purpose allowing the audience to decode the poster and understand the narrative of the text.


Focusing on Harry Styles 2021 tour poster has enabled be to decode and look into the purpose of each aspect involved on the poster. Some aspects I decoded were the colour palette for the poster which is bright and colourful portraying happiness and joy towards the audience. The main colours involve pink and blue suggesting a gender neutral touch onto the cover star and connoting ideas of childhood with the stereotype of blue for a boy and pink for a girl giving Harry Styles a childish and playful feel. The clothing also displays this point as it is bright and colourful along with the cover stars hair being messy connoting playfulness and not caring of others opinions. The composition of the title, ‘Harry Styles’ is placed top centre drawing the audiences eyes here. As well as the title being bold it is also presented in a simple block text expressing towards the audience that the style of music can be enjoyed by everyone but also by being placed in the centre suggest independence of the cover star and music.

Now being able to decode and understand how all elements of a media text are thought about carefully, each having their own importance I can remember to choose all the aspects of Mise En Scene and media language wisely in order to display a narrative for the audience to consume.


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