My Tour Poster


Researching my tour posters genre of music, Country and Western, and making a mood board of exsisting tour posters I’ve recognised a clear pattern with the colour palletes included on all these posters. They all include earthy tones e.g browns, blacks, yellows, reds, blues as well as some brighter colours for certain aspects to stand out. These colours help to connote an idea of a natural and simplistic feeling for the audience relating back to the genre of music. Another covention is the fonts used in the poster which are all quite rustic and bold connoting a natural feeling. The main images tend to focus on one main coverstar using a close up shot, usually holding an acoustic guitar with a ‘cowboy’ hat to create the genre.

The examples include features of AIDA; attracting the audience with the genre and detail, intrests the audience with the information and unique individuality. By creating knowledge of my genre and typical coventiosns and features on the tour posters will help me to create the idea of ‘the same but different’ and to be ‘coventional but unique’ so I can reach the targeted audience on my own.

My Poster:

Please click on the link to view pdf.

Designing a country and western tour poster through InDesign has enabled me to understand how to produce media through this app aswell as using photoshop. By learning the different features involved within the apps has allowed me to cut out images, place and desgn different aspects as well as placing fonts and adding information. By doing this I have created my country and western tour poster reaching its targeted audience throughout all its conventions. My tour poster includes examples of AIDA as it attracts the audience through its genre and details aswell as intresting them with information featured. It includes typical conventions of this genres posters and is ‘the same but different’ helping to show its individuality. The colour pallette of my poster has earthy tones relating back to the genre connoting a ‘down to earth’ and natural feeling. The fonts and graphics on the poster are frequently seen withing this genre and help to create excitment towards its targeted audience.

By designing my own tour poster for a specific genre has allowed me to understand how to include all conventions that will help to reach a targeted audience aswell as making an indivdualistic design. This will help me with future designs knowing how to use Indesign, Photoshop and how to bring a piece of media together.

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