Branding Ideas/Marketing Strategy+ Mission Statement

My Music Genre:

For My Music Magazine my genre of music will be Indie Pop which includes pop conventions and structures with a lightheartened and medolic sound. Some popular artist who have created indie music are, Girl In Red, Billie Eilish, Lana Del Ray, Florence+ The Machine. My music magazine will be titled ‘Indiesy’ and include a main cover star as well all the conventions typically seen on indie magazine covers. Within the process of deciding my genre of music to focus on I have created a word cloud wiht everything that will be included in order for to understand the genre and how everything will come together more easily.

Word Cloud:

Mission Statement:

“Indiesy brings together a community of indie music lovers to admire and cherish their all time favourite music. We reveal the new and exciting information on fashion, artists and exciting projects to our audience encouraging our fans to express and reveal their individuality and spark to the world. With the latest information you can find out everything about your favourite artists from home and become apart of our indie community with just a turn of a page.”

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