Star Image- Theirs and Mine

Star Image:

Magazines usually include a cover star on the front page and throughout the magzine which is important to understand how they are percieved towards an audience in order to create a successful magazine. Creating a star image collage focused of my chosen genre has allowed me to undertsand how certain posts and images within the media represent a star as a person.

A famous star within my genre is Billie Eilish who is displayed in many different ways online towards her audience. Her extraordinary life is shown through media with her achievments and awards as well as unique fashion alowing the audience to understand her ‘star life’. However through important topics such as mental health and body image she reveals her personal life and struuggles allowing people to understand that she has an ‘ordinary life’ just like everybody else.

My Perfect Star:

Gathering an overall idea of how I want my star to look and different features within my main images is extremely imprtant in order to plan ahead. Creating a collage of images similar to the aim of my final photos has allowed me to see all the conventions used within an image to create a meaning and style.

My genre of music is Indie therefore I have chosen images which connote this genre and use conventions similar to other magazines of this music. Within my photos I will focus on the body language, makeup, costume, props and lighting/setting in order to connote meanings and reprswnt my main star towards my targeted audience.

Looking into what my perfect image would hope to be like will help me to have a base for my photos and a rough idea to follow. It has allowed me to plan ahead and choose all the conventions carefully to match my specific genre.

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