Front Page Layouts

Layout and graphics involved within a magazine help to create a selling point to their targeted audience. If a magazine is too busy and full with different conventions then this can distract the audience from the main points and details. These magazine designs that I have chosen have simplistic but effective characteristics helping the audinec to have a focal point on the star image and other important details. Inspired by certain features within these magazines I woul like my final piece of media to include:

  • Natural/ low lighting
  • Possible black and white images
  • Simple and bold Mastheads/fonts
  • Pastel colours and writing
  • Vintage feeling towards the image
  • Simplistic

The above magazine covers appealed to me as they all included most of these features aswell as extra details to make them ‘the same but different’. Aswell as the features involved they are all coordinated with the Indie music genre helping me to be inspired by what could be included within my final piece.

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