Draft Feature Article

Article Planning:

First Draft:

Secrets To Song Writing                                                                                                                                  Behind The Lyrics Of Some Of The Best Indie Songs With Destiny.

In 2018, Indie star Destiny gained the confidence to release her first original song, “All For You” after her closest family described it to be ‘beautiful’ and within the space of one year she gained huge recognition from Indie fans all around the world. Her song quickly hit top of the charts nearing the end of 2019 due to her heartwarming and sentimental lyrics striking the hearts of many.When interviewing Destiny at our studios after inviting her in we managed to reveal the meanings behind her lyrics and what they mean to her personally.

“Hey Destiny, thank you for coming in today. We just wanna know what inspired the lyrics within your songs?”

Destiny revealed to us that back in 2017 her much loved partner, Noah, passed away after a fatal car accident. At this time the couple has been dating for three years and after Destiny heard the news the night of the accident she was devastated. She stated throughout the time of her grieving her passion for music helped her to feel something again giving her a sense that he was still here with her. Destiny expressed , “When I lost Noah I felt crushed and the pain was never stopping but when I started to understand the ways of music and listened to our favourite songs over I knew he was still here with me everyday.”

Four months after Noah’s passing Destiny released her new song, “All For You” based around her lover. The lyrics within her original tell the story of a relationship coming and passing focusing on the good parts of his life. It’s sentimental tone and slow to quick pacing attracted the Indie community along with her other releases within her album. The story telling songs skyrocketed her to top of the charts giving the much loved star a new life and music career. Destiny stated, “I can’t thank all my supporters enough, the reaction to my songs has changed my life forever. I am extremely grateful for you all”

“What advice would you give to your fans who are wanting to songwrite?”

“I’d honestly say to start song writing you need to choose something you can relate to and that you can express your feelings for through the lyrics. Somethings can be hard to put into words but if you can understand the viewpoint of the song your writing it will come together naturally.” She then went on to saying, “Not only did experiences help me with my songs but going out and observing the natural beauty of the world and life is very inspiring. It’s like watching thousands of movies at once with everyday life just passing by.”

“What can we be expecting from you in the coming future?”

“I am extremely excited to announce that I will be doing an international tour throughout 2022 with not only my first album but also my new album which will be releasing next month. Aswell as this I also have a big project coming up which I know everyone is going to love.”

Our indi community can’t wait to see what is to come from this new star and her song writing as we update and support her along the way. Will Destiny expiernce another no.1 album and become one of the greatest artists of all time? Stay with us along her journey as we give you updates everytime shes with us!

MP3 Recording:

By creating an MP3 recording of myself reading out my article allows me to spot any mistakes or any changes I could make for it to be smoother. I have made some changes to my article helping to show different language conventions typically seen in magazine articles.

Final Redraft:

Secrets To SongWriting                                                                                                                                  Behind The Lyrics Of Some Of The Best Indie Songs With Destiny.

In 2018, Indie star Destiny gained the confidence to release her first original song, “All For You” after her closest family described it to be ‘beautiful’ and within the space of one year she gained huge recognition from Indie fans all around the world. Her song quickly hit top of the charts nearing the end of 2019 due to her heartwarming and sentimental lyrics striking the hearts of many. Indi managed to catch up with Destiny at her studios and she revealed to us the meanings behind her lyrics and what they personally mean to her.

“We just wanna know what inspired the lyrics within your songs?”

Destiny explained that back in 2017 her much loved partner, Noah, passed away after a fatal car accident. At this time the couple has been dating for three years and after Destiny heard the news the night of the accident she was devastated. She stated throughout the time of her grieving, her passion for music helped her to feel something again giving her a sense that he was still here with her. Destiny then went on to elaborate, “When I lost Noah I felt crushed and the pain was never ending but when I started to understand the healing powers of music, listening to our favourite songs over and over again,  I knew he was still here with me everyday.”

Four months after Noah’s passing Destiny released her new song, “All For You” based around her lover. The lyrics within her original,  outline the story of a relationship coming and passing focusing on the good parts of his life. It’s sentimental tone and slow to quick pacing attracted the Indie community along with her other releases within her album. The story telling songs skyrocketed her to top of the charts giving the much loved star a new life and music career. Destiny went on to add, “I can’t thank all my supporters enough, the reaction to my songs has changed my life forever. I am extremely grateful for you all”

“What advice would you give to your fans who are wanting to become songwriters?”

“I’d honestly say to start writing you need to choose something you can relate to and that you can express your feelings for, through the lyrics. Some things can be hard to put into words but if you can understand the viewpoint of the song, your writing will come together naturally.” She then added, “Not only did experiences help me with my songs but going out and observing the natural beauty of the world and life is very inspiring. It’s like watching thousands of movies at once with everyday life just passing by.”

“What can we expect from you in the coming future?”

“I am extremely excited to announce that I will be doing an international tour throughout 2022 with not only my first album but also my new album which will be releasing next month. As well as this I also have a big project coming up which I know everyone is going to love.”

Our Indi community can’t wait to see what is to come from this new star and her songwriting whilst we follow her journey and support her along the way. Will Destiny experience another N.1 album and become one of the greatest artists of all time?   Make sure to read our next edition to see how she is faring. 





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