Chosen Adverts

Chosen Adverts:

Dr. Martens Integrated Advert By Chicago Portfolio School: Own Your Stance | Ads of the World™

Vintage Fender Print Ads | Guitar, Electric guitar, Bass guitar

How They Appeal To My Targeted Audience:

The two adverts I have chosen appeal to both the demographics and phsychographics of my magazines targeted audience. My magazines target audience is primarily females in late teens who love to express their individual differences as well as learning new adventurous things.

Therefore these adverts fit the Indie music genre as well as the fashions and style of the music. The adverts are related to what the audiences intrests would be as well as matching the theme of a music magazine relating to my chosen genre. Dr. Martins relate to the audiences fashion and uniqueness as well as this brand being a huge brand, allowing the audience to understand how well known the magazine is too be supporting these types of brands. The Fender Guitar advert relates to the style of music as well as the audiences intrests helping them to be encouraged to read on throughout the magazine.

Why Would Advertisers Be Interested?

Indi magazine mission statement: “Indi brings together a community of indie music lovers to admire and cherish their all time favourite music. We reveal the new and exciting information on fashion, artists and exciting projects to our audience encouraging our fans to express and reveal their individuality and spark to the world. With the latest information you can find out everything about your favourite artists from home and become apart of our indie community with just a turn of a page.”

My mission statement will appeal to these advertisers as their audience share similarities within the magazines helping them to reach the right people their product is aimed at.

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