Final Magazine Drafts

Front Cover:

Please click on image to see PDF.

Contents Page:

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Double Page Spread:

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Within my final drafts I have made changes based around my given feedback as well as to create the best product for my magazine:

  • Minor changes have been made to my front cover and double page sread such as the colours, fonts and more coverlines to help give the targeted audience more detail.
  • However for my contents page more changes have been made to improve the quality and design of the page. The image and background have been swapped for a better quality and more intresting colour to help create a selling point. I found this image worked better as the model is looking up towards other images helping to craete a focal point.
  • I have made certain words and coverlines stand out on the page to help the audience find key details about each topic.
  • I have experimented with different colours within certain design features to see what worked best for the pages.



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