Previous Students Work

In order to understand what makes a good music video it is important to watch a variety of other people’s work in order to gage an idea of how and what makes a music video good in order to be successful. I have viewed many different previous students work in order to do so and found that the music video below showed excellent use of technical production skills making it a good example of what I should focus on when it comes to make my own.

Fire Meet Gasoline:

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Now understanding what makes a good music video I have assessed this previous students work, Fire Meets Gasoline by Sia, I have given their work high marks on the technical production skills. Throughout the music video there has been an excellent use of camera movment using different camera angles and shots to keep excitment throughout. The music video uses amazing effects which are well chosen to suit the genre and song contributing to the dramatic feel of the song. The Mise En Scene within the music video varies using different scenes enabling the video to keep the audience engaged which also corresponds to it having both performance and narrative aspects within it. The narrative is simple yet effective helping to keep intrest of the audience as well as the performance aspect helping to link the artist to the lyrics of the song representing them as a artist. Aswell as this the video ends on a cliff hanger which in the music world is a efficient idea to ensure consumers return to the video and then as an artist you gain money and views.

I believe this students work is a very good example of what makes a good music video with it including excellent use of technical production skills to bring the video together and keep the audience hooked.


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