Conventional Shots and Narratives For My Genre

To allow us to understand what common conventional shots are seen within our chosen genre for the music video we need to gather research from previous media texts. Below we have designed a padlet, where we have gathered a variety of different shots from music video in the pop genre.

Our Padlet To Show Conventional Shots:

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Common Elements:

From viewing and analysing a media text from the pop genre has enabled us to gather common narrative conventions, structure and performance styles, benfitting us by giving ourselves ideas to include within the creation of our own music video. Our group found that within the pop genre the repetoire of elements involved tend to be:

  • Narrative Conventions- Tend to focus the video around love, emotion, power, loss and upbeat fun narratives. These narrative allow the artist and song to create a star image through acting as well as displaying a strong meaning towards their audience to ensure they accept their media text.
  • Narrative Structure- Commonly feature linear and anachronic narrative structures which tend to switch between pefromance aspects as well.
  • Performance styles- Tend to feature the singer as both the performer and actor within the narrative. The performance aspects show a wide variety of locations, shots and costumes to entice the audience. Bright colours are commonly seen as well as exciting locations to help represent the star. During the lip syncing aspect of music videos the star is usually seen using direct mode of adress towards the audience to help them feel envolved within the video.

However although I have picked out these specific aspects within the pop genre they have a wide range of differences depending on the individual artists and lyrics of the song due to conveying different meanings. Within all these elements the post production editing displays different shots and camera angles to convey different meanings as well as to keep the video exciting; tracking shot, close ups, mid shot, long shot, high angle, framing shot and many more.

Now understanding the repetoire of elements involved in the pop genre music videos my group will be able to reflect our knowledge into our music video in order to make sure our audience accept our text with common convetnions they will want to see.

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