Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

When the day of our first shoot came around for our production team every aspect ran really smoothly due to our organisation and communication within our group. We ensured me had all of the equipment when arriving, created our MES before filming in order to create the atmosphere we wanted. Due to this our first shoot was very successfull in which we managed to get a variety of different shots and angles that we can use within our final piece.

Our production group arrived at our first location (saints bay) at 9am where we filmed the majority of our shots, after this we moved to our second location (a field outside Fort George) where we remained for the rest of the day. All of out team was there to take it in goes of filming ensuring that everyone is involved and has a go at this aspect. However I, as the performer, was unable to do so but will therfore be taking part in filming the narrative aspect of our video.

Images From Our First Shoot:

What Went Well:

  1. When the day arrived our team was organised with all of our props, cotumes, make up and other aspects ready due to the communication in our group.
  2. We used our time wisely and effectively.
  3. We were able to get a variety of shots and angles to use within our video.
  4. The scenery and props used worked really well with our genre and location.
  5. I, as the singer, was confident within the perfromance and acting in order to create a realistic video as well as knowing all the lyrics to our chosen song.
  6. Each group member cooperated well and bought new ideas as we went along.
  7. We have displayed our star image well and how we wanted too.

What Could Be Improved:

  1. The lighting displayed from the background was too bright in some shots and could not be ajusted as we could then not see the performers face.
  2. Although we got a variety of shots there could still be room for experimenting more with the camera and trying other shots.
  3. The wind was very strong and therefore was sometimes hard for the performers face to be shown due to hair blowing.
  4. In some shots due to our location, some of our production team are seen within the clips and therefore will need to rerecord.
  5. When not using the tripod the camera tended to shake a little which we will focus on when it comes to filming more clips.
  6.  When it comes to shooting again we would like to involve the props more e.g the fabric.

From reflecting on our first shoot towards our music video we have been able to gather elements we need to think about when it comes to fliming again in order for it to become even more successfull. This is extremely important to do as it allows us to know what we did wrong and ways to go about fixing different issues. Our group has collectively decided to film more footage for our performance aspect of our video to get a high quality, professional video whilst allowing us to have a wider range of choice when editing. When it comes to doing this we will make sure we focus on these improvments with the main one being the lighting within some shots.

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