Advice From Proffessionals

After our initial filming shoot we were lucky enough to have visitors from a proffessional company who work within the industry of editing. Familiar with the software we are using to edit our videos, they were able to give us an insight of all the tools available within the software, Premiere Pro. Already knowing knowledge of the software was helpful when it came to editing our first rough cut but with the help of someone who knew the programme with confidence to answer any questions and teach us some short cuts was extremely helpful and great advice. This has enabled my group to gain huge amounts of confidence with Premiere Pro making our editingless stressfull by having a wder range of knowledge.

What We Learnt:

  • How to creaate different folders in order to keep our project more organised.
  • The way in which you are able to slow down a video to create a slow mo effect.
  • How to colour corrcect the shots and add different effects which could then be used in different segments if wanted.
  • The many different shortcuts within the programme.
  • Different frame rates and how we can possible change this in order to create different speeds.

Speaking to Lenny, a proffesional from Specsavers, about our plans for our music video e.g narrative, performance, location ideas, we were able to gather an opinion from someone outside our production group. He suggested some ideas for our video with what he though would work well and what we could possible adapt. Seeking opinions from different people can be extremely useful as it is almost a way of seeing what your audience may want to see and what they would not. From this discussion we were confident with our ideas and knew that what we had decided to do was both conventional and intresting helping us to have clear and direct path of where we want our project to take us.

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