Music Video Draft 1- Rough Cut

We are now onto the post production aspect using Premiere Pro, below is our first music video draft as a rough cut from our performance shoot. Once familiarising ourselves with the software we were able to get started on the editing of our music video picking out different clips throughut the song. Due to gathering enough footage on our first shoot we were able to create a full video with our performance video for all parts of the song. As well as this it was quick and easy for us to match up the lip syncing due to being organised and gathering shots for the enirity of the song.

Our First Music Video Draft:

What Went Well:

  • Our lip sycing matched up well with the song meaning our video can be proffessional and not confusing for our audience however when uploaded it went out of sync so this will need to be sorted.
  • Within the video we were able to edit to the beat and swap between clips where appropriate.
  • Our star image has been portrayed effectively e.g emotion. passion, class, fun and positive.
  • The repetoire of elements from our selected genre was well displayed through our MES, direct mode of adress, costumes, lighting, and acting.
  • The variety of shots we gathered allowed a variety of movement within our music video helping to keep intrest.
  • Both me and my partner were able to have a go at editing and understand the software ready for when we next edit.

What We Could Improve On:

  • To help keep the audience even more intrested we need to swap between clips quicker.
  • Now we have a basic rough cut we can start editing and adding effects to create a more proffesional and exciting feel.
  • In some clips the lighting could have been better, therefore we can change this using the different tools on the software.
  • Now we can experiment with the software and change some things into slow mo, however this may come into the narrative aspect more.
  • Make sure the sharpeness on each clip is clear and the shot is easily visible.
  • Although the lip syncing is pretty much perfect there are some places where it could be improved and changed slightly.
  • When uploaded make sure it is still in sync.


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