Digipak Conventions Analysis

In order to understand the technical conventions and repetiore of elements usually seen on a Pop/R&B soul/Electronica didpak it is vital to analysis a media text of the same genre. ‘Tinashe’ ia a an american singer, dancer and actress who describes her music as rythmic pop. Below is one of her albums, ‘Aquarius’ which was released in 2014, which has been analysed focussing on the blueprint, colours, conventions and what these connote towards the audience.

Digipak Analysis:

From this task, I have gained an understanding for the typical conventions/forms and repetoire of elements seen within my chosen genre. Analysing the design choices I have found that in order to connote a mysterious and ethereal atmosphere the use of lighting is typically used throughout this genre. Low key lighting is a huge element helping the audience to gather a mystifying feeling.  As well as discovering the typical tecniques used I have realised that doing ‘extraordinary’ conventions can work too in order to make your digipak be different and stand out. However if this is done it has to be done carfully and not be too dramatic in order for the audience to accept the text and not reject it. Within my group we hope to use slight ‘extraordinary’ conventions to represent out star within the media helping to portray the star image we want to.

Focus Forward:

Now understanding the repetoire of elements seen on Pop/R&B soul/Electronica digipaks, I will be able to follow these conventions when designing and producing our own digipak’s for our star. Being able to know what these competitors connote and denotate will help dramatically when producing our digipak, being able to portray similar meanings towards our audince with a individual unique style towards our star.

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