PMA- Digipak Shoot

Production Metting Agenda For Digipak Shoot

To stay organised when producing our digipak it is important to create a PMA so me and my partner both know what is happening and when. This will help our shoot to run smoothly whilst using our time efficiently.

PMA Analysis:

To share the responsibilites equally between me and my partner we have alloacted specific areas for us to be responsible for during our shoot. As I am the model for the shoot I will be responisble for providing my costume and doing my makeup whereas my partner will bring the props needed. We will both hold responsibility for bringing the equiptment needed; camer tri pod and lighting sources.

As our shoot is within the school grounds neither of us need transport during this time. A risk assessment is also not needed as we are within the school premisies and minimal risks will be involved during the shoot.

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