Digipak Draft One

  Front Cover:



Above is our first draft for our front cover of our digipak. This draft is nowhere near perfect but has allowed us to gather an idea of how our images will work on our front cover. When producing the first draft there was certain citeria which could be followed:

  • Use of camera and Photoshop to take & manipulate engaging images.
  • Selection of mise-en-scene in the photos and the meaning it communicates.
  • Creative use of DTP to integrate images and text and  use colour / typefaces.

In order to start to put together our first digipak draft we ensured we followed the criteria above. The use of a close up shot and direct mode of adress helps to engage the audience and make them feel a sense of involvement. In order to achieve our star image that we hope for (exciting, fun, mysterious, edgy) we had the star to use a neatural face to give away no emtion helping the audience to keep guessing what the album will involve. The bright colour pallettte also connotes a sense of excitment and fun characteristics towards our star imgage. The lighting and MES also helps to create a mysterious and ethereal atmosphere towards the image and the star. However the last section of the criteria is still a work in progress and will be shown more throughout the next draft of our digipak.

Back Cover:



Above is the first draft of our back cover fro our digipak. The same assessment criteria follows for the back cover as seen above. Within the back cover of our digipak we have included photography from our shoot however an effect has been added in order to give it an illustrative element. We have also included the song titles featured within the album aswell as a barcode on the backcover so far.

When it comes to doing our next draft we need to include the Music Group our artist is signed too as well as copyright information in order to follow the typical conventions seen. It is also important to consider playing around with other images, designs and colours to ensure what works best for your digipak, so therefore now we have time we will do this. Within our next draft we will also hope to complete the inside two planes aswell as the spine of the digipak to have a complete digipak so we can then focus on the whole thing and see how it comes together with different elements.

Draft One Assessment:

Focus Forward:

Now we have produced a basic draft of our digipak this will enable me and my partner to then go forward and continue to design our digipak and changing any necessary elemts within it. Although this draft is extremely simple and far from finished it is important not to rush into designing such an important project for your star and brand. As you go elements will fit together and certain parts are going to change to suit your genre and star within the post production aspect of the digipak.


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