Social Media Page Draft Two

After finishing draft one of our social media page new posts have been made within the second draft as seen below is the presentation. In order to improve upon our last draft we have included posts relating to debates/politics/important issues. This has included our star raising awarness for the planet and climate change. This has been shown through collaborations with organisations and charities, promoting the star in a kind and caring way (ordinary). One major way we have done this is a collaboration with the charity ‘CoolEarth’ and have produced an animation of a one night only concert which our star will be playong at, where all profits made from tickets go towards this charity. We have also portrayed these important topica through the use of stories; our star has shared other posts which talk about these issues.

Since our first draft we have also included the use of cross media convergence as our star has announced she will be featuring on BBC radio one at a specific time. To ensure the interactions of the target audience our star has shared posts where she interacts with her audience, thanking them for all the support she has recently gained. A vogue feature has also been posted in which an article and interview can be seen within the lastest Vogue magazine. This appearnce helps the media to see that she is an already established artist, featuring in one og the biggest magazine companies. Finally another post which has been made since draft one is a teaser post for the stars latest single, featuring a small snippet from her music video which is going to be released soon. Below you can see images of our draft two social media page.

SMP Link-

Social Media Page Draft Two:


In order to understand what is going well and what could be improved upon it is essential to get feedback from others outisde of your production team. Therefore our teacher has put together a screen castify of what she likes about our social media page and what she thinks we could add within our next draft to make it even better.

Screen Castify:


  • The page is coherent- it has creted a vibe and brand for the star.
  • Good use of high class promotion.
  • Collaborations in aid of charity raising political issues- helping her star image.
  • cross media convergence has been used.
  • Behind the cenes has been used effectively to entertain the audience keeping them hooked in.
  • The star is seen as ordinary through interactive posts.
  • Brand colaborations and promos have been used which are extremely important.
  • The vibe overall works well.
  • Variety of posts are good e.g videos, photos, goods.
  • The star shows she is ordinary and extraordinary.
  • The website is good and gives a different approach towards the page.


  • Guerilla marketing could be included- one off marketing.
  • More cross media convergence could be included- has the stars music been used for a major project e.g a film sountrack.
  • Release the album when complete.

Focus Forward:

Overall for our second draft of our social media page we have recieved very posistve feedback. We have shown a choherent page that has an overall vibe which is extremely important in order to create a branding image and keep the page organised. Promotion, collaborations, cross media convergence, BTS, star image, variety of posts and a webiste have all been portrayed and produced well within the social media page. These all help to create entertainment, provide information, social identity and social intercation which proves to be very important when creating a brand image to keep your audience interacting with the page.

Within our next draft we will aim to use Guerilla marketing startegies, a one off marketing strategy, which will grab the audience’s attention. As well as this it was suggested that we could use slightly more cross media covergence within the page in order to show how the star is successfull and is used on other media texts and platfroms. Finally we will aim to post the announcment of the release of the album as our final posts for our social media page.


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