Music Video Final Draft

We have now produced our final draft of our music video as seen below. We believe that our music video provides entertainment for our audience throught the use of both narrative and perfromance aspects. It follows common technical conventions seen within professional music videos of the same genre (R&B/Pop). The video uses the repetoire of elements, a theory by Altman, for this genre in order for our audience to accept the text and not reject it e.g perfromance and narrative, bright colours, lip syncing, editing to the beat, variety of shot distances and the use of MES.

However to slightly challege those conventions to make our product ‘the same but different’ we put a lsight twist onto the storyline. In pop music videos the common theme relates to relationships and love, therefore to develop this idea we had a story of a character who is miserable due to a loss of a past relationship even though she could have everything she wants surrounding her from others perspective.

Me and my partner are happy with how our music video has turned out and believe we have produced a product which our audiences will accept and gain entertainment from. As well as this our music video helps to create a brand for our star in relation to our digipak and social media page. All three products are coherent featuring bright colours, ethereal atmospheres and a sense of mystery. This is vital in order to create a successfull brand package, good marketing techniques and star image helping to recognise the star immediatley between different products.

The star is represented as extraordinary, a theory proposed by Dyer, as she is seen in a classy black dress prtraying her as elegant and sophisticated. As well as this her performance nature using gestures and movement highlights her as an established star who is confident within her performance. This aspect also highlights De Saussaures idea of having a signifier which signifies a certain meaning which is commonly seen throughout our music video e.g the chracters emotionless face signifies her misery. Narrative codes, proposed by Barthes, can also be found within our music video. For example the ‘in loving memory’ card can be seen as both an enigma code as it isnt showed directly at the start of the video but also a semic code representing the chracaters loss, revaling her emotions and storyline.

(Please not that we have had some uploading issues and therefore areas of the video are not in sync, our orginal video on PremierePro is in sync.)

Please select 1080p HD for best quality.

What Has Changed Since Draft Four:

  • We have played around with the timing ensuring the lip syncing and editing to the beat is accurate.
  • Some clips have been swapped out for different ones where appropriate.
  • It was suggested that we use more close ups, therefore some clips have been zoomed in on to create a more personal appraoch towards the audience.
  • The ‘in loving memory’ card has been shown for slightly longer allowing the audience to gather an understanding for the narrative.
  • Some clips the lighting was too exposed therefore we have played around with the effects and made the exposure as best as it could be.

Our music video follows the vital assessment idea that has been created in order for the music video to be successful. We were able hold a shot steady and if this needed fixing war stablizer was used. However in some clips the video is purposely not completely steady to add effect to the video e.g when she is riding the bike or at the party scene to symbolize the chaotic atmosphere. Framing shots has alos been used within the music video by using a variety of shot distances and making sure the star is always the main focus within the shot. MES was used extremely well within all the different scenes in order to expand on the narrative so the audience knows what is going on as well as to add effect and make it seem more realisitc. Transitions have also been used throughout to keep the audiece hooked and making the video more exciting.

Overall we are very happy with how our final product has turned out and belive it has followed the criteria and tecnhical conventions but can also be seen as ‘the same but different’ making it unique to other music videos.

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