Digipak Final Draft

Me and my partner have now produced our final draft of our digipak. Overall we are really happy with how this product has turned out and we believe it connotes the brand we wanted to portray perfectly. Our brand portrays our star in an ‘ethereal, mysterious, quirky’ way which has been portrayed within our digipak.The digipak uses different types of media language to portray this brand. The bright colours give a kaliedescopic aura along with the unique designs connoting our brand. The digipak is coherent, following a consistent colour palette throughout which is vital in order for a successful brand package. The bold, modern sans serif text inlines with the demographics of our target audience- young adults (primarily females) as well as connoting a spiritual feeling through the use of a ghosting effect on the front cover. The desings are simple yet effective, creating excitment and attraction throughout.

The paradox of the star, proposed by Dyer, is represented as extraordnary within our digipak. Our star is seen with an expressionless tone on her face, portraying a sense of mystery. The effects and distinctive designs represent the fun and energetic nature of our star’s character. As Barthes sugeests, narrative codes can also be seen within our digipak. The headscarf on the artist may connote a Middle Eastern vibe towards specific cultures whereas in other cultures this may be read as a statment and classy piece giving the star a sense of style. In order to gain our preferred reading, a theory suggested by Hall, we needed to ensure the correct ‘vibe’ was portrayed and did not represent a Middle Eastern atmosphere. Therefore we did this by using modern sans serif fonts and within the rest of the digipak, highlighted the almost ‘pshchedelic’ and ‘freaky’ aura of the star.

Our star follows a multi-genre vibe as mentioned in our mission statment and we believe our digipak supports this statement perfectly; you are able to gather different genres of music within it through different technical conventions and elements. For example on pop digipak is is common that the fornt uses a close up of the star’s face using direct mode of adress in order to entice and hook the audience in. R&B digipak’s often feature god-like images portraying the star as very extraordinary whilst creating a feeling of power. Lastly electronica digipaks give of a hallucinogenic ambience. All three of these genres are represented within our digipak through the use of common technical conventions.

Digipak Final Draft:

Please click on image to view PDF.


What Has Changed Since Draft Three:

  • The title of ‘Freya’ has changed fonts to be inline with our social media page and othe products making her brand name coherent and consistent.
  • The middle left page’s colour has been changed to have a slightly more blue tone in order to follow the colour palette of the digipak.
  • The eye featured on the inside right has been edited slightly differently. Colours have been mixed to give a more exciting and psychedelic approach. As well as this the framing wround the eye has been edited to make it look as though it is almost closed behind soemthing.
  • The spines have been chnaged to inclsude the common font for ‘Freya’
  • The ‘Freya’ on the tv screen has been made more visible in order for the artists name to stand out.
  • The ‘Freya’ on thr frotn page has been centered.

Overall we belive our digipak coinsides with our mission statment perfectly. It expresses a multi-genre vibe towards our audience and demonstrates the stars quirky charcater throughout. We are very happy with our final product and believe our target audience will ‘accept the text’.

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