Social Media Page Final Draft

Below is our final draft of our social media page for our multi-genre artist ‘FREYA’. We believe our final product has portrayed our ideal brand package and mission statement we hoped for. We will be able to gain our preferred reading from our target audience due to the technical conventions and media language used throughout the social media page. We chose instagram as our ideal place for our artist to reach their audience as their demographic is young adults who would regulary use this social media platform. The page uses content and has a total of 19 posts using gifs, videos, photos, realms and teasers in order to create a snese of axcitment throughout.

Marketing techniques are vital in order to reach new audiences and market your star. We have used synergy through collaborations with brands such as Urban Outftters and VOGUE, allowing the star to gain new audiences. Within this collaboration the audience is also offered discount codes showing the star cares for her audience, representing her as ordinary ( a theory suggested by Dyer). The timeline of the page is well thought through and creates suspense as it goes along towards the release of the artists new album. Cross media convergence is also seen on our social media page; our star is seen in an exclusive interview with BBC Radio 1 as well as her songs from her new album being used in the soundtrack of a new season of a well known show. promotion of live events has been seen with the release of tour dates for 2023 as well as a collaboration with a sustainabilty charity putting on a live show where profits from tickets go towards the charity. This represents the star as caring and loving showing that she cares for our enviroment. A call to action has been created through direct links; our song and album releases are available on all streaming platforms as well as a website being produced and linked in our bio. The website offers merchandise and information where you can learn m,ore about the artist. Merchandise allows the audience to feel a sense of personal identity towards the star helping engagement ans a sens eof involvement.

The page represents the star as both ordinary and extraordinary; she is represented as ordinary through regular interaction with her fans as well as givinginsights to her presonal live through Q&A’s, quizzes and posts. The engagement and interaction reveals that the star cares for her fans and has a loving nature. To contrast this she is also represented as extraordinary within her charcater; she is seen is statment outifts, amazing settings, working with famus brands. Artists make very little profit from online steams and it is therfore important to promote physical copies of products. therefore it is mentioned that you are able to but the album on both CD and vinyl on our website. As well as this large scale print advertising has been used to promote the album release in London. Finally the star demostrates her care for charities and political issues. Sustainabilty is a main focus throughout the social media page, with her clloabing with CoolEarth and becoming an abassador for the charity. She also regular shares important posts from other content makers about this topic, enabling her to share her views and opinions on current issues around the world.

Social Media Page Final Draft:

Social media page link:


Overall myself and my partner are very happy with how our social media page has turned out. We belive we have hit all points on the assessmne the sheet and will encourage as much engagement and interaction as possible. The page is choherent and fits within our brand and design package well, being consistent throughout all three products.

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