Social Media Page Draft One

Social Media Page Draft One:


Below is a presentation taking you through what mine and my partners social media page looks like so far. Images from every post are included within the slideshow, from tour dates to behind the scenes footage. As we have gone along the process of starting to create our star’s social media page we have learnt the importance of interaction with the audience in order to keep them enaged as well as the use of persuasive language. This helps to keep the audience feeling excited for the products but also portrays the star image in a professional way.

The colour palette of our page typically sees bright colours, especially blue, which helps to follow the theme of our digipak and music video which also heavily feature these colours, helping to create a branding image towards our star. Our page uses typical conventions of a music artists social media page helping to guide the audience and having a well organised layout for fans to follow.Our page includes the use of the Blumler and Katz theory of entertainment, information, personal indentity and social interaction. These attributes are extremely important when producing a social media page for a music star in order to keep the audience wanting more and being provided enough so that they do not reject the text.

Social Media Page Draft One Evaluation:

In order to know what to do next with our social media page it is extremely important to go through an evaluation and make sure you are including what needs to be included and if not, to do this within the next draft.

From this evaluation we have gathered that so far we are on the right track with our social media page as we have accomplished a lot of the assessment criteria already. Within our page we have a good sense of design coherence, content, synergy, promotion of live events, a call to action, ordinary/extraordinary representaion, engagement and political issues (see attachment below). However there are still a few key elements which we will need to include within our next draft such as cross media convergence and selling physical copies for the audience. In order to do this we will have our star featuring in an interview with BBC radio and also to see our star holding physical copies of the album, when released, in stores.

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Focus Forward:

The first draft of our social media page has so far been successful and we have been able to portray our star in the way we wanted to; fun exciting, mysterious, ethereal and down to earth. However in order to get our page where we want it to be more posts need to be completed within our second draft inclusing the use of cross media convergence and seeing the star with physical copies of the album. These two essential elements will help us to complete the criteria so that it can follow all the typucal conventions seen on music stars social media pages. Another way in which our page could be improved is to have a wider use of different formats of posts e.g videos, realms, animations and more. By doing this it will help to keep wider engagement within the audeince and keep the page more exciting through the use of different formats.

Overall we have made good progress with our social media page and are heading in the direction we hoped to. We are very happy with the layout of the page and the posts made so far and will therefore continue to do this within our next draft of our social media page.

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