Masthead Design

Four Masthead Designs:

The title of a music magazine is exeedingly important to create an ideal selling point and brand for your product. A title needs to be recognisable and easy to read in order for the audience to remember your piece of media. Simplistic titles can be extremely effective and get straight to the point for you readers; giving details about your magzine and genre before opening it. Designing five different possibilities for my final masthead has allowed me to experiment with different fonts, colours and sizes of texts.

Final Masthead:

|For my final masthead design for my magazine I will be using either of the two displayed above. The first design is simple yet different and effective as it uses different conventions; invloving both upper and lowercase letters. This can give an effect thats the name of the magazine can be shortened to the ii. magazine as well as making it stand out from many others. The full stop at the ends adds an extra touch and also implicating the importance of the magzine suggesting a high well known brand. The second design is a lot more simple however is bold, making it stand out easily to the audience. When choosing my final design I will test these two mastheads with my final image to compare and see which one is more powerful.

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