First Draft Of Contents Page

First Draft:

In order to create a successful contents page there needs to be certain conventions anf features included in order to give enough detail for the audience so they know what to expect from the magazine. Common coventions seen on a contents page are headlines, information, page numbers, images, titles which all need to conventionally work together to display the information needed.  Throughout the process of designing my contents page I have focused on AIDA; attention, interest, desire and action to help create a meaning and connote my magazines genre of music for the audience.



What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

-A mid shot has been used in both pictures, demonstrating the understanding of different types of shots but also shows the models’ costumes very well. The smaller image could feature a different star to make it more intresting.

What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

-The outfits of the models suit the genre very well, portraying the theme of indie very well. The brown colour scheme of their outfits really reflect the Indie genre, showing her understanding of Mise-en-scene. Not only do their outfits correlate the genre, the use of props help emphasise the her chosen genre, again portraying her understanding of Mise-en-scene.

  How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre

-The bold, sans serif font is easy to read and reflects her chosen genre well. Even though the fonts are plain, they suit the genre well and make the models stand out more.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

-The headlines used are appropriate for the chosen genre. The page numbers are used effectively, not only enhancing how visually appealing it is but also guiding the reader.

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand

-The layout of the contents page has been thought out well. The size of the title is fairly large, leaving enough space for the page numbers and coverlines. The spacing of the insets used makes the contents page look complete. Could feature different design and shapes to make it more exciting.

 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

-The colour palette of the models contrasts well with the magazines colour palette, making it visually appealing and ensuring the models stand out on the page.

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

-Photoshop has been used well, enhancing the quality of the photos and brightening up the models faces.

 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

-The language used is appropriate for the genre and it is easy for the target audience to pick up on what genre it is. Thre could be more coverlines featured to give further detail.

Visually appealing, good photos, well thought through, appropriate colour palette.

B grade


My 5 Targets for my next draft:

  • To feature another star within the smaller image.
  • Possible room for more headlines fo more information.
  • Use more design and shapes to make it more exciting.
  • Experiment with different backgrounds rather then just a solid colour.
  • Use photoshop more precisely.

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