2nd Draft Of Double Page Spread

My Second Draft:

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What’s New?

Within my second draft on my double page spread I have made some changes and improvements in order to create a product that suits my magazine genre best:

  • I have made the splash less harsh on the page in order to make sure it doesn’t take away the focus of the image and article.
  • I have aslo added more details such as extra colours which allows tha page to stand out appealing the audience to read the article.
  • The colour pallette of my double page spread now matches my magazines theme allowing the audience to recognise ‘indi’ allowing it to create a brand.
  • The double page spread now also includes my own article for the magazine about ‘Secrets To Songwriting’ as well as a by line in the corner to show who has written it.

What’s Next?

Further possible changes I could make to my double page spread could be:

  • Try and make the headline stand out even more and add a possible different colour to seprate it from the article.
  • I would like to also experiment with different background colours to see if anything works better than white however I will still need to focus on making sure it is still simplistic for the audience and easy to read.
  • To make the splash a slightly lighter cover in order to keep the focus on the other conventions.
  • Experiment with different designs and details.

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