Final Pitch To Teacher

In order to ensure our final plan for our music video is effective and all the different aspects work together it is important to discuss our decisions with out teacher to form other opinions. To show important aspects of music videos such as performance and narrative skills, narrative structure, MES and typical conventions. By having a meeting with our subject teacher to explain our groups pitch has enabled us to pick out key positive and negative aspects about our idea. This gives us targets to consider to allow us run of shoots and organisation skills to be high standard.

Our Final Group Pitch:


After finishing our groups final pitch we then went forward to our subject teacher to talk about our ideas allowing us to make sure it all works and then focussing on what could be fixed.

A Video Of A Discussion Of Our Pitch To Our Teacher:

Positives After The Final Pitch:

  • The locations we plan to shoot it are uniqie and conventional towards our chosen genre.
  • We will be able to display the narrative effectively and well through our planned scenes.
  • Through the pitch we were able to expand on ideas making them more effective and visible within our storyline.
  • The song choice chosen narrates our narrative well, allowing us to go through the process of producing our music video with a clear plan.
  • Our video plan matches up well to our chosen genre showing clear signs of common conventions with room to expand our ideas and make the video unique.
  • Our costume ideas allow us to give of a statment making it conventional and unique.

Targets To Consider:

  • To consider having a seperate performer and singer to make sure there is no cross over or confusion.
  • To ensure there are three clear scenes where we see our actor spereated from other and the ‘real world’.
  • When focussing on the ‘party’ scene we need to be careful how we display it in order for it be effective.
  • When filming the party scene we need to ensure we are fully prepared beforehand so it can run smoothly and we don’t film to late.
  • Before filiming we need to assemble costumes and props to ensure we have everything for our shoots to run smoothly.
  • Try not to overcomplicate the video to make sure it is clear and understandable to the audience.

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