Star Image- The Performer

To form and portray a positive and meaningfull star image within a music video it is necassary to research a star within our chosen genre to gather how they are represented within the media. From doing this we will be able to analyse the meaning behind these media texts; articles, images, quotes and social media, in order to gather ideas and show this towards our star within our production of a music video.

A Canva To Show How Emeli Sande Is Represented Within The Media:

Advancing On What All These Media Appearances Mean:

For this task I have accumalated a variety of different forms of media appearances that our star for our chosen song, Emeli Sande, has been represented through in order to form her star image and metanarrative. Involved within this canva is screenshots from her social media, article appearances, images, magazines and personal quotes from the artist herself. I have discovered that Emeli Sande is represented as a role model and activist towards the LGBTQ+ community, with being a part of the community herself, recently labelling as bisexual. One of the main ways she is represented within the video is through this aspect, creating a positive atmosphere towards her star image. This creation of her profile allows her audience to look up towards her confidence around this topic admiring her bravery and in some circumstances may help others going through similar issues. “I Want Everybody To Know The Full Version Of Who I Am” is a title for an article about Emeli Sande coming out and allows us to see the power she holds amogst this very challenging issue revealing she isn’t afraid of who her true self is, displaying her as dynamic, energetic, influential star.

As a result of digitalisation within the music industry, Emeli Sande is able to represent herself through social media platforms such as Instagram. Social media is an extremely useful way to distribute content and interact with your audience quickly and efficiently. Emeli Sande has a total of 408k followers on Instagram where she uses the platfrom to engage and promote herslef as energetic and friendly person by posting regulary about what she is up to within the industry. As well as this she uses hashtags, ‘#brighterdays2022’ relating to her released song, to promote her work in a positive way gaining a younger audience through the platform. In order to gain a wider audience Sande has also collaborated with other artists such as Labrinth to produce songs, ‘Beneath Your Beautiful’ which connotes a positive message towards it’s viewers. This form of advertising allows a cross over between the two artists audiences to gain a wider and more varied following benefitting both of the artists media products.

Emeli Sande has made many appearances in top magazines such as Pride, House Of Solo, Fabulous and many more. Everything written about her involved within these magazines and texts is shown is a favorable manor towards the artist boosting her career and image within the media. Another way in which Emeli displays herself as kindhearted charitable woman is through charity. Sande has played a concert for Ukraine following the recent events happening there with othe stars; Ed Sheeran, Camila Cabello. Not only does this create a wider audience for herself but it allows her to associated with some of the top stars within the industry increasing her music reputaion as well as being commended for helping others through her job.

Sande is usually featured in elegant and classy clothing as seen in the images above. This allows her star image to have a sense of class and wealth but also adventure and uniquness when involving bright colours & statement pieces. Having this unique style allows her to represent and follow conventions typically seen within the pop genre of music where artists have a fashion style which almost can represent them. Sande carries herself within the media in a positive manor, creating a role model for herself to boost her star image and audience, clearly shwoing she is looked up to within the industry for only ever good reasons.

How Do We Want Our Star To Be Represented:

When it comes to producing our video we would like to demonstrate a similar metanarrative of Emeli Saande but to also include some of our own aspects as well. We would like to represent our star in a positive, powerful, fun manor just like Sande in order for it to follow the conventions seen within the pop genre. However we would also like to add a sense of mystery and strong emotion within our star image to showcase a strong performance aspect within the star itself. It allows our star to have a meaning behind the lyrics and song in order for our audience to accept the text. Following common conventions we will also feature our star in classy clothin to maintain a put together and proffessional look.

We will showcase our star image throughout the repetoire of elments involved in our music vide; make up, costume, high & low key lighting, editing, camera shots and cinematography. In aim of creating our star image in this way we will follow common conventions typically seen within our chosen genre in order for our audience to accept our media text and not to reject it.

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