Risk Assessment

To ensure the safety of our production team when shooting for our music video it is extremely important to plan ahead for possible hazards we may come acroos during the shoot. Our group has organised a risk assessment for our perfromance shoot to communicate how we would deal with possible situations to make sure we are completley safe and nothing goes wrong, allowing us to make sue of our time effectively and smoothly.

Risk Assessment For Our Performance Shoot:

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Above is our risk assessment for our first music video shoot involving different safety aspects we have thought about. The document involves where we will be at all times so out teacher is able to check up on us in case anything goes wrong. It aslo includes any possible dangers we will come across; we noticed that at saints bay there are cliffs surrounding the area so to ensure our safety we will keep well away from them. The rest of our shoot doesnt not involve any hazards however we will still take extra caution when out on our performance shoot.

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