Production Meeting Agenda For Shoot 2 (Narrative)

Our Production Meeting Agenda:

In order to increase organisation within our group it is important to make a production meeting agenda for each shoot we do throughout the making of our music video. By doing this allows our group to know exactly what is happening and when as well as being clear of what each inividual is responsible for. Below is our production meeting agenda for our first narrative shoot:

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Included in this document is the date, times and loaction of our shoot allowing our team to all know exactly what is happening. As well as this it shows who is responsible for bringing items needed to the shoot; I am responsible for providing one of the costumes (pink dress) as well as some props which we will all contribute towards making them.

By allocating these roles towards each member allows an equal share, making sure everyone is involved within the shoot. Production meeting agendas allow us to become organised from an earlier date, before the shoot in order to stay proffessional nd use our time wisely.

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