Music Video Draft 4

As we get closer to the final stages of our music video it is vital to get feedback from others in order to understand what aspects work and what doesn’nt work. Throughout our draft four we have taken on some of our teachers feedback and changed a few areas to make the video even better. Some of theses include; starting the performance with a close up of the star, we have edieited to the beat more accurately, we have changed the colour of the shot during some of the flashing scenes to make it more intresting and the ending is much slower taking more town to finish and fade out.

Our Music Video Draft 4:

Peer Feedback:

For our draft four we have been able to get some vital feedback from peers as to what they think is good and bad about our music video. This feedback will help us to conrtruct a clear path of the final steps needed to complete our music video. Below is two sets of feedback stating what is good and what could be worked on throughout the video.


Peer Feedback 1:

Our firts set of feedback suggests that we closely look at our lip syncing through some clips. We have had issues with our lip syncing each time our video is uploaded and therefore need to sort this out for when it comes to submitting our final draft. As well as this they have noticed that some clips are two exposed, when completeing our final draft we will look into this and make any corrections needed.

However the feedback showed that our story line was clear to follow and kept them entertained which is extrmely important throughout a narrative music video. Overall this feedback is very positive showing that our audience are able to navigate the narrative easily and that there is a good level of both narrative and perfromance.


Peer Feedback 2:

The second set of feedback also suggested we look into our lip syncing, the same issue applies above. They have also suggested we could include more close up and to have the in lovinf memory stay on for longer which we have thought about doing. This feedback has clarified this idea and we will change this within our next draft.

They have also said that our narrative is exciting and engages with our audience well, we have a very good use of MES matching out genre, shots have been used effectively throughout and the special FX has been used well too.

Focus Forward:

We have now gathered some very positive feedback for our music video making us confident as we continue to edit it. As well as this we have got some areas which we will be able to work on in the time left we have, to ensure that our audience recieve what they want and expect to recieve.

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