The Look Book- The Package



Made with Padlet


MoodBoard Reflection:

Above is a moodboard created by both me and my partner to show what would be appropriate towards our package. Included in the mood board is album design, fonts, colour pallettes, tour posters and artwork. To gather inspiaration towards our package this task is extremely important, it has enabled us to gather an understanding for what other competitors within the industry produce and how they design their porducts. Our strar’s genre is primarily pop however it also involves R&B sould as well as electronica. Therefore it was important for us to gather a range of images that represent theses genres and see what repetoire of elements they hold.

Representing your star within the media is a careful task, through the use of integrated advertising ,every apearance they have within the media allows audiences to form opinions and viewpoints about your brand image and star. Therefore we need to ensure that the style of our prodcuts connotes what we want our star to portray. As seen above in the designed moodboard, we have a range of core values and aims for our star to be represented as; emotive, quirky, playful, dramatic, powerful, commanding, high-spirited, eccentric and freakish. These descriptive words are what we aim for our star to be portrayed as towards our audience. Therefore the blueprints chosen above all display this through the photography and design. The theme throughout genreally involve vibrant colours, emotive gestures, constrasting images, good use of MES, direct mode of adress, psychdelic vibes, and good use of lighting to create atmosphere.

In relation to our overall mission statement our inspiration photos match this perfectly, creating an ethereal and emotive atmosphere. When looking at our digipak we want our preferred reading to have feeling of connection throught the use of emotionn and lighting. As well as this we want them to feel involved within the product and gain an extraordinary effect within the image in order to create excitment and a mysterious approach. We want our audience to accept the text and not reject it therefore we are folllowing simailar conventions and repetoire of elements typically seen within theses genres but wil be mixing them and adding our own approach.

Focus Forward:

After gathering a forming a mood board with inspiration blueprints on me and my partner now have a clear understanding of how we want both our star and product to be represented as. We can now also begin to start thinking about what we would look our digipak to look like through the use of these designs; do we want photography and design or just design, what lighting we will be using, the MES, and what fonts we can use in order to get our preferred reading across to the audience.

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