Social Media Page Analysis- Terminology

In order to understand how a social media page is presented in order to attract the audience in aim of inorming, entertaining, creating social interaction and a personnel idenitity it is important to analyse an artist of a similar genre to our star in order to understand the typical conventions seen. Below I have analysed Tinashe’s instagram page due to her having similar style music to what our star has and a vibe we hope to portray. The reason for choosing instagram is due to the demographics of our audience; younger generation both female and male. I believe that instagram is directed towards our demographics and is the platform our star would typically use to promote herself.

Social Media Page Analysis:

From analysisng Tenashe’ instagram page I have been able to recognise the terminology commonly seen on pop star’s social media pages. The main focus when first visiting her instagram page is the profile. This includes follower count, post count, profile picture, highlights and bio. This allows the audience to engage in a simple introduction to the star with breif infromation supporting her. The high follower count suggest she is already an established star within the industry as well as showing her post count suggesting she is active on her page constantly keeping her fans up to date. The profile picture allows the audience to instantly recognise the star by using a close up of her face and direct mode of adress helping the audience to feel a sense of involvement. As well as this highlights are seen with different titles helping the page to stay organised whilst keeping it intresting and infrorming. The bio states ‘Musician/Band’ helping new audiences to know wxactly what they will recieve when they visit this instagram page.

Moving on to the posts seen on her page, they typically involve both phototgraphy and digital design. Bright colours are used to portray an energetic and fun character helping to keep the audience intrigued. The costumes featured are usully statement pieces displaying unique and quirky clothing, helping to keep the page eye catching. As well as posting regular photos the star regulary uses live streams and realms in order to enage with her audience through comments, likes and interactions. When the star is able to comment and interact with their audience it helps to portray them as humble and ordinary showing they care for their fans due to them giving up their time to interact with them.

In order to keep the fans and audience up to date with what the star is doing other types of posts are displayed. On Tinashe’s instagram page she has included tour posters seen above in the slideshow. This enables fans to stay informed with what the star is doing in a creative way. The designs are all colourful and give of a unique look compared to other artists. The digital design of her posts give an almost ‘psychedelic feeling’ towards the star giving her a mysterious approach. In addition to this Tinashe also seels merchandise to promote her star image. Merchandise can help the audience to feel a sense of involvment with the star, creating a personnel identity if they purchase a product. As well as this the star posts herslef out and about, posting any marketing stargies she sees when she is out, for example above in the slide show she has posted herself on a large scale print advertisment, billboard, and a magazine.

Focus Forward:

Everything mentioned above helps to create a star image and the way the are portrayed within the media. Every post and interaction online can allow the audince to form and opinion on the star image, therefore it is extremely important to portray the character you aim to do, so the audience accept the text. A social media page aims to follow the Blumler and Katz Uses and Gratifications theory; inform, entertain, social interaction and personal indentity. In order to achieve this the page must be active and include all the correct componenets to follow this theory of what the audience expect to recieve when visiting a star’s page.

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